Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tool #6

Again, there are many wonderful tools here! 
I really like Wallwisher.  It can be used in so many ways in the classroom.  For example, it can be used at the start of the day as the children walk in with a question relevant to the previous night's homework.  Wallwisher will really engage the students in their learning.

I also like Today's Meet because it allows for there to be interaction between teacher and students while instruction is going on.  Students can post thoughts and questions as they think of them. The teacher can then come back and answer them.

Tool #5

The tools available to us on the internet are really awesome!  I'm so grateful to the people that create these tools and make them available for us to use.  These tools lend themselves wonderfully for instruction.  I can see using Animoto in many ways to enrich a lesson.  For example, it could be as the anticipatory set to get the children's attention.  The Animoto I created could be used to have the children guess where I am based on some of the famous sites.  Of course, for that purpose I would've included a few more recognizable sites.  These were some of my favorite pics.  :o)

I see the Wordle being used in various ways as well.  The students could create a Wordle about something they have learned and give the teacher an opportunity to check for understanding.  Here I describe my dogs and you get an idea of who they are. 

Wordle: My Dogs, My Children

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tool #4

I see so many benefits to Google Docs.  I just created and agenda and sent it to Corky for input.  Though it's too late to work on this right now in real time, this tool will make things easier for people to collaborate.  It will cut down on the number of versions of a document that are out there.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tool #3

I had to post this first video.  I saw it several years ago and it's one of my favorites.  It's funny how I practice this with my 3 Pugs and my Boston but the only thing they say is "Feed me.  I'm hungry."

The Continents Song Video - Where was this video when I was in the classroom?  It has a good beat and it's easy to dance to...and it's a fun way for the students to learn the names of the 7 continents.  Plus, they don't have to hear me sing it either!

One of great things I learned about the fair use laws is that as educators we can access many resources that can enhance our students' learning.  Of course, it's always safest to get permission for some copyrighted materials.
I opened an account on Dropbox.  It's an awesome tool to have for educational and personal purposes. It's a great tool to gather images to share with the students.  I went ahead and placed some of my pics from this summer's trip to Paris so I can share with friends and family. 

Tool #2

As I continue on this technological journey, I feel that I am gaining valuable knowledge to give me an insight into all that is out there for us to explore with our students.  I know that I will enjoy this venture!  I see this as an opportunity to establish communication not only within our school but with other learning communities throughout the world. 
The following site is very helpful because it offers a variety of links to communicate with other educators.  There's a link as well made for administrators.
Technology Integration In Education

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tool #1

The start of the 11 Tools training is going rather well!  I can't believe I have my own blog and with a Voki even!  All this in just 30 minutes?!  At this rate I'm sure I'll be done with all 11 tools in no time!